Monday, February 25, 2013

botani.. cycling,,,


it very hot outside, so today i decided to stay in library... it's quite cold in here.  hoyooo. #happy

okay.. i just wanna to share that last week, my friend and i went to taman botani at Putrajaya. it's very nice to be there because of the garden lanscape and the activity that can we done here.

we exercise + cycling + happy + eat alot!!! haha

okay.. bye.


material engineer to be


alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah because give me opportunity to continue my study until now. huhu.. last week, i just registered to my course for sem 6 (3rd year 2nd sem) perghhh.. just another a year to become a student since in last sem (8th sem), i'll start my practical.... hoho...

okayh.. alhamdulillah, after a week for the new sem, i had decided to take Material Science as my minor... after think a lot of times to decide the best choice to specific my study. hoho..

material science??? hoho.. this course is tough enough to me to face a little bit about chemistry..because it handle with material..i'm a little afraid with it, but after heard Dr. Ernie story, i just got my strenght to continue this minor....

ok.. fine.. my head just block from idea to write tonight... so maye next post i'll share a little bit about MS... wish me have best of faith :)
