Sunday, January 27, 2013

hello twenty-thirteen

alhamdulillah... hope that all our action is begin with basmallah as to get His reda.. In syaa Allah.

before i start In syaa Allah we salawat upon our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W...

for the new year... after ending my 5th sem.. urghh... the most tough sem i ever had, I really change my life.. May Allah guide me until the end. In syaa Allah..

actually, every time i wanna to change myself is when i start to write blog. and after posted a entry i didn't continue my furthe entry until end of the yaer.. maybe this is bad about be.. doing something not until the end.

i want to share about yesterday program.

i had attend a BERANI2013 program (Dr. azizan othman) at WIsma MCA yesterday. this program is totally free.. it's good because it is encourage people to success in their business.
actually, i being forced by my sis to join this program, hahaha because it about business (my 1st expectation). but, it is not just about business. it is more than that.

in that program, i learnt many things... it just not all about business but it is all about me.. our attitude, our action, our mind and our heart.

Dr. Azizan highlight about our heart(soul), our mind, and our action. those things is related to our life. what is implant in the heart, it will give the action to our mind to think bad or wrong. then our mind will control our action. and this action will shows ourself.

the concept of greatful is also important.
"the more we greatful (bersyukur), the more we get bless from Allah"

said "Alhamdulillah". it is necessary and must be practic in our life

then, Love.

love with people around you, who are you love the most....

in this program, it's hard to me to accept all the things especially when it talk about
"what would you in 10 years in future?"

i'm really stuck for this question. i didnt decide my future yet. even i didnt choice my minor for next sem.. it really hard to me to decide it myself..

huhh.. this is the things that playing in my mind. there are a lot things that i must do. if i listed here..hmmm.. maybe in my next entry .. huhu...

wish me having a great life for this year... i think i'm growing to be more mature.. haha... FINE.. whatever..

the E.N.D

